Sunday, June 28, 2009

Don't MESS with my coupons!

Three weeks ago I requested a coupon book from "Home Made Simple" which included over $30 worth of coupons for household brands including Swiffer, Cascade, Mr. Clean, Febreeze, Dawn and others (Request yours at I waited for it to arrive with great anticipation. (I'm planning to buy a Swiffer vac, and I'm letting the dirt collect on my floor to give it an accurate trial when it arrives...) I was excited to find it waiting in my mailbox last Thursday, but my excitement turned to dismay when I observed that both seals had been broken and all the inside pages of the booklet ripped out, leaving only one 75cent coupon for Mr. Clean. "N0. Way." They only send one of those to each household--I can't just request another one! I looked on the website, and there doesn't appear to be a way to report not receiving your copy. I immediately called my mom to ask if she'd received her booklet, because we requested them on the same day. Lo and behold, her copy had suffered the same fate. Now, we both live in the same neighborhood, and our mailboxes are not curbside but rather centrally located locked boxes. I drove to the post office and told them I needed to report some stolen mail. I brought my sad, torn booklet with me. The postmaster came out to receive the report. After all, this is not just about a few stolen coupons: who knows what else I haven't received? And my private information is included in much of my mail, such as credit card statements and bank statements. What if those are tampered with? Apparently, the Post Office has an agent assigned to investigate such reports, and he is going to speak to me on Monday.
This all goes to show that if you want to see me get angry, just try to MESS with MY COUPONS!! :)

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